We contribute to the integral development of children, adolescents and youth through reading, writing and social dialogue

More About El Salvador

About Our Work In El Salvador

We don’t teach how to read and write. Instead, we use reading and writing as essential tools to develop dialogue and debate, self-reflection and self-actualization. That’s why we measure our impact through changes in pro-social behaviors, to demonstrate changes in how learners see themselves and their futures. Reading and writing are tools to navigate school and work, but also the foundations for trauma-informed practices to create resilience and empathy.

Why we do it

Reading and writing have been identified as factors that influence violence prevention.rnIn Florida, The Melissa Institute found reading deficiencies in 85% of law-breaking youth and noted that on average they read 5 grades below grade level.rnThe conclusion is that at lower levels of reading comprehension, people may be more prone to develop aggressive behaviors; and the reason is because reading and writing are skills that develop neurons linked to empathy and resilience.rnrnThese conclusions apply to El Salvador; according to data from the World Bank (2018) 8 out of 10 third grade students and 7 out of 10 sixth grade students read well below their expected level.


May 7, 2022

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Por Majo Beza. Estaba nerviosa, especialmente el primer día, pero un niño de aproximadamente cinco años, me dijo: “¿Sabe cómo se siente leer en el…

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May 7, 2022

Herstory: Viajar con la lectura

“No me equivoqué con la profesión”, dice Sonia Tejada. Rotunda. Maestra desde hace 28 años. Maestra de literatura, de inglés, de ciencia; maestra de parvularia,…

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El Salvador Programs

Literacy for life

Literacy for life is creating safe spaces to promote learning and self expression through reading and writing using a socio-affective and socio-educational model amongst the communities.rn

Literacy for reconciliation

ConTextos strengthen relationships and communities through literacy processes and a socio-educational focus; inviting to recognize those who have historically remained silent, and have only been able to express themselves from the cycles of violence, repression and exclusion.

Social Dialogue

We provide space for different actors of society to engage in dialogue, connect with each other’s stories, empathize and become key elements who generate transformation and solutions in order to strengthen the social fabric.rnThis is a safe space that allows us to build community.rn

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We are an educational non profit organization founded in 2011. We work towards education, writing, community, and individual and collective healing based on trauma best practices. Throughout our history we have grown and changed, adapting to the way the world moves and how we understand it.

What do we believe in...?

We believe in the transformative power of stories because that is what we are: stories; our own, someone else’s, the one we don’t know or the one we relive without realizing it.

We believe in stories because when voices are heard, communities of healing, empathy, trust and advocacy begin to be born.
That’s why all our projects -new, short, long- invite us to look and feel ourselves from all stories.

...And how do we do that?

We do it through literacy, which means generating critical and creative thinking through reading, writing and the arts.

We work along three main lines, each one with its own projects.


El Salvador Programs

Literacy for life

We understand reading and expression as vehicles to promote dialogue and learning in community spaces.

Literacy for reconciliation

We believe in individual and collective healing through the recognition and resignification of personal stories.

Social Dialogue

We believe in the importance of listening to the diversity of voices and truths to strengthen social relationships.


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