abril 21, 2022 by ConTextos

Into A Black Beyond Winter Module Reflections

In February of 2022, ConTextos launched its second chapter of Into a Black Beyond, a multimedia project that aims to build a new library of writing and art created by Black Chicagoans. The first cohort met from January through March of 2021 in a co-created virtual space that emerged from the specificity of that historical moment: a seemingly unchecked pandemic, the languishing and thriving that coexists across the country and especially here in Chicago, once a mecca for Black progress, now also a symbol of Black pain. IABB also grew out of hope, a force that has historically moved Black people forward.

Module 1 of IABB 2.0 offered participants the opportunity to delve deeper into their families’ collective history, to seek out and tell their families’ Chicago origin stories. This publication chronicles that journey. As each of us came to this experience from a distinct vantage point, no one portion of the collection looks the same and no Sankofa “story” told reads the same. That is part of its beauty.

Lastly, there are work pages throughout intended to encourage each of you to embark on your own Sankofa journey. None of us exist without all the others in our family who came before. It is our obligation to tell their stories. It is our duty to say their names and to say them proudly.

– dr. moore Module One Facilitator

Read the e-book aquí. and click aquí. to purchase a special edition matte book here (USD $50).

“I didn’t realize that a book would be published. The quality, the design, the size and how quickly it was done. This went above my expectations.” -Sylvia Taylor

“I enjoyed the values of collaboration and critical thinking as a collective effort. I often don’t have time to write on my own and it was refreshing to write every session.”

Alkebuluan Merriweather

“I would describe this program as a workshop series where Artists and intellectuals can create and cultivate in community with like minded people.”-Jauwan Hall

“I have not written outside of work and school in a very long time, so to be able to write for pleasure while also digging for my roots was extremely valuable for me. It allowed me to see my family in a different lens and deeper my interest in my family history.” -Jessica Garner

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