Dear Chicago
Dear Chicago: Chicago Youth Telling Their Truths is a new program by ConTextos that centers the expertise, stories and self-determination of Chicago’s young people. We will co-create a space of reflection, healing and connection while uplifting the writings, voices, artistry, and perspectives of youth about their own lives as Authors. These 20 youth Authors come from Chicago Public Schools and are between 15-17 years old. During the time of COVID-19, local and national Movements for Black Lives, and the increased violence of Summer 2020 in Chicago, our city’s young people have critical visions and expertise to share.
During this collaboration, we will be sharing video letters with the Authors from people around the world. These letters can include messages you wish you’d heard at that age, insight you’d like to share, love and solidarity to them, and more. We would love to see some public figures (activists, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, etc) engage with this, but are warmly and eagerly welcoming video letters from everyone: your 90-year old grandmama, transit workers, teachers, healthcare workers, and more. We’ll be sharing these with the Authors daily, and they’ll be creating writing, videos and other creative responses. At the end of our time together, we’ll be releasing these letters and responses on a publicly available digital platform to be distributed to Chicago Public School students and young people across the country.
Meet our Dear Chicago Authors
Graphics designed by Deon Reed