abril 16, 2015 by ConTextos
As soon as I sent off my “woe-is-El-Salvador” blog yesterday, I got this email:
And I replied:
Let’s talk tomorrow morning or Friday?
I’m feeling so bummed… I’ve been so inundated by how much El Salvador sucks because of violence… I need to hear the goodness. Please! I’m not questioning the work, but I just feel heart-broken by what I’m reading, hearing, being asked…
much love!
And she wrote back:
And I feel inspired and invigorated all over again.
Bummer: every time I’m in the USA, “the news”—the facts, figures, indexes, and reports, overwhelms me. I lose the humanity, the stories, the real-life people who are more than just data.
Today, I’m pumped! We’re gonna make some change!
Debra Gittler
Fundadora y directora ejecutiva
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